dorothy maxwell

Obituary of dorothy maxwell

Dorothy Maxwell age 70 Born September 8, 1952 passed November 18, 2022 Awaiting in death Father Marion Augusta Cassity - Mother Esmar Rhoda (Phillips) Cassity, Husband -Ronald Maxwell, Best Friend -Michael Wayne Edwards. Siblings -Eunice Williams, Bobby Cassity, Georgia Hardy, Herman Cassity, Living loved ones Uncle Auster living Floyd& Lois Windham, Earnest Cassity, Jeanette Byrd & Roland Cassity Sr. Children - son Anthony Cassity, son & daughter in law George & Laura Cassity, daughter & son in law Lisa Dykes & Roger Dykes. grandchildren Chris, Zeke & wife Justice, Kaela, Morrigan, Ehren & wife Bethany, Emmah & Trinity. great grandchildren, Mariya, Jordyn Titus, Judah and many more. We would like for our Mom Dorothy Maxwell aka NANA To be remembered, celebrated, and honored. She was and always will be important to so many. Let's take this time to remember a few of her qualities. She was always helping others, loving & kind nature. She never knew a stranger and made sure if you were hungry, you had food. Many times, she would go without, to make sure others were taken care of. She lived her life to help take care of others especially her family who she loved very much. She volunteered with her church. Served in her community. Dorothy was saved at an early age and trusted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and savior. Baptized 4/8/2018.Sorry for anyone who may have been forgotten. Nana was loved by many. RIP NANA 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all of them.
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